Tíu grundvallarhugmyndir eðlisfræðinnar

Tíu grundvallarhugmyndir eðlisfræðinnar
Sjörnuskoðunarfélag Seltjarnarness og Stjarnvísindafélag Íslands ásamt Háskóla íslands kynna: Tíu grundvallarhugmyndir eðlisfræðinnar. A Zee, prófessor við Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara.
Staður og stund: Hús Vigdísar klukkan 20:00 þriðjudaginn 10. desember.
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I will list and discuss the ten foundational ideas of theoretical physics. The lecture is based on a popular book with the same title to be published by Princeton University Press on June 17, 2025. The book is meant to provide a sweeping overview of theoretical physics rather than a morass of details, and thus this talk may be suitable, not only for students of physics, but also for those who are interested in theoretical physics but do not know much about it.